As our Father of our Nation MahatmaGandhi,has told that,India’s development can only happen through villages ‘Grama swaraj’,strengthening the society from grass root level by proper education and self dependence.
The deterioration of values especially among the youth, increasing vandalism, consumerism,alcoholism and drug addiction, misleading education, neglecting the environment leading to increasing infectious diseases, water scarcity etc.,opened the eyes of a group of youngsters to do an active effort to combat these.They understood the way to healthy society can develope only by changing existing outlook. Thus Mulankunnathukavu healthy village‘Arogyagramam’resulted.
“You are your teacher and doctor,
Good health,and proper education,”
Leading to self sufficient village, is the motto of Healthy village(Arogyagramam).
Arogyagramam was registerd under charitable society’s act on 27-6-2001.